One Simple Gesture That Will Raise Your Vibration + The Vibration of Those Around You

I recently crossed paths with a spiritual healer. I first saw him at a local yoga festival I attended where he performed an opening and closing ceremony to acknowledge and bless the 4 corners of the earth (North, South, East + West) and what they symbolize to us. Although I didn't have a chance to speak with him at the yoga festival, I did end up running into him in the parking lot of a local retail store while I was parking my car, and mustered up the courage to yell out of my window: "Hey, you were at the yoga festival right?!" Talk about the synchronicity that connected us, running into him in a busy parking lot at that time on that day.

In my first short interaction with him in the parking lot he showed me what I consider to be an extremely important (and simple) adjustment that we can make to strengthen the energy of love, thus raising our vibration and the vibration of those that we interact with. Here is what he taught me:

When you hug someone, embrace each other heart to heart.


To do this you just need to lean to your right to hug someone so they must lean to their right for the embrace, think left shoulder to left shoulder. This simple adjustment in how you hug, or embrace, generates an infinite flow of energy circulating between two hearts - similar to an infinity sign but with two hearts, two people. The reason I find this to be so important is because hugging is something that we already do. You hug family and some friends when you say hello or goodbye, so it's really only one simple tweak to how you do something that you already do that can change your vibration and the vibration of those around you. 

For all you skeptics out there that don't believe the power behind this simple gesture you can test it out for yourself. Grab a friend and give them a hug with your right shoulder to their right shoulder (not heart to heart), then have them place their arms out in a "T" and push down on their right forearm and take note of the resistance, how hard or easy it is to move their right arm downward? Then do the same thing again but this time hug heart to heart, left shoulder to left shoulder, and repeat the resistance test. Was there more strength and resistance after the heart to heart connection?! This test goes to show that there is more strength and power in loving energy, when two hearts connect.

update: after posting this blog a friend of mine mentioned that there is an added benefit if you embrace for 20 seconds or longer! it is said that You release oxytocin-"the love hormone'- with a longer embrace!

I challenge you to be more conscious and aware of how you hug people and take note of the difference that it makes! 

Alina Pedraza