About [Ali]nged

Take a moment to think about this: what shapes your thoughts around the experiences and moments that occur in your life? Is it your family, friends, or peers or the past experiences you have had. Maybe it's a combination of both... No two people hold the same perspective or perception. It's completely unique to every individual.

My intention with this blog is to simply share with you my experiences as well as the lessons that I have learned along the way that have made me feel aligned. Being aligned allows us to enjoy life more fully by removing the bullshit to focus on the blessings. It's not always easy to find our way to alignment and alignment means something different for every person, but it's nice to have tools and reminders that it is a state that we can reach, and it's all within our control. My goal is to open your mind to thought and potentially inspire a different mindset. 

P.S. - all the photos on this website have been taken by me! (Any photos I did not take will be mentioned) 
