Here are some meditation resources to get you started.

When I first began my meditation practice I started with Headspace. The 10 day free trial was an opportunity to show me what meditation was really like, not what myself and many others believe it to be, which is straight silence with no thoughts. Headspace made me realize that thoughts are to be expected! Once you get a better understanding of that concept opposed to the one where you’re not supposed to have any thoughts, you will be able to find each of these resources useful!



If you want to learn how to stop reacting to every thing that happens throughout your day.

Check out an app like Waking Up by Sam Harris. This app will teach you how to look at your thoughts objectively. Think about a situation that would typically get you fired tf up, imagine that situation happening without your blood boiling or overwhelming excitement. You’re able to observe and consider what is really happening in the moment without getting emotional or reactive.

Metta Meditation

if you feel like you’re always angry or annoyed with people or if you have a hard time letting your guard down and letting others in.

Metta meditation is the act of directing kindness to others. Learn how to forgive with an metta meditation practice. It’s easy to want to hold on to hurt and pain that we feel others have caused us because we don’t want to feel that pain again. When we decide to release anger, and replace it with the act of sending kindness, we physically feel lighter!

Try a Tara Brach heart meditation to focus and concentrate on what it feels like to release pain and hurt or simply to feel the love for those that you already care about (you don’t have to forgive, you can also just acknowledge those in your life you truly care about). Our physiology changes when we recall love, if your body is holding stress and tension, change your state by feeling love and gratitude with a metta meditation.

transcendental meditation

If you hold a lot of stress and tension in your body and you’re constantly OVERWHELMed.

Transcendental Meditation, or TM, is great way to release tension in your body with compound effects over time. There are formal courses for learning TM which take about 4 days to complete. Transcendental Meditation gets deep into your Central Nervous System (CNS) to cause some really tranquil and chill effects. If you’re interested in TM find out where the closest center is to you. You will need about 40-50 minutes per day to devote to this practice.